May 10, 2011
When I started mentally chanting QUIET-SHUT-END-SHUT-NOW-DONE when lying down to sleep every night, my husband quit complaining that my snoring kept him awake at night.
Last night I woke up, hearing my husband snoring. I was having difficulty getting back to sleep, so I started mentally chanting QUIET-SHUT-END-SHUT-NOW-DONE. As I completed the chant the first time, he took a deep breath in and his snoring was quieter. I continued to mentally chant QUIET-SHUT-END-SHUT-NOW-DONE for the next few minutes. Again I heard him take a deep breath in, and again the snoring got quieter. And, over the next few minutes it slowly faded, until I could barely even hear him breathing. It was amazing to see the immediate changes that happened with this Switchphrase.